Happy Valentine's Day!

We enjoy taking a day to reflect on and enjoy our relationships every year. It's good to have the reminder to do so, especially during tax season. This year's Valentine's Day went better even than usual, a function of the kids getting older, I suspect. Although, we did have an Ash Wednesday service that same day - so it was a rather odd juxtaposition of somber reflection and romantic sentimentality. :-) Michael arranged this for me to find on Valentine's Day morning. Daffodils are my favorite! Aunt Katy sent my kids all Valentine's with stickers. Ezra particularly enjoyed his - they have googly-eyes. Judah considers it his duty to bring sugar cookies to his class. My preparations for the kids' Valentine's Day morning. Ezra's 7th grade class celebrated V-Day with the kindergarten class, and he had to bring meat, cheese, and crackers. I'm told it was a fun party.