Miscellaneous Happenings

Ezra frequently brings his parakeets down to keep him company while doing homework. Monica went on a field trip to the Oregon Ballet Theater. Subsequently, Monica started ballet in February. Elena fell in love and started, too. That's how these things happen. I guess I can blame Monica's teacher! ;-) Monica is very enthused about it, at least right now! When we had two snow days in February, only the girls wanted to go sledding! But they sure enjoyed themselves! It was only 1-2 inches, and as you can see, it melted quickly on the second day. It was the week of President's Day, so they had a grand total of two days of school that week. They still did Assembly though, even though I am told they were basically "winging it." It's good to have family events during the dregs of tax season, it was close to Michael's birthday, and we wanted to celebrate the kids good report cards, so Michael decided to take the family out to diner a...