School Days are Here Again!

Well, here we are again at the beginning of the school year! I remembered to get a picture of the kids on their first day, but I forgot to have them set down their bags, take off their backpacks, etc. So it has historical accuracy, but no staging, I'm afraid. Unfortunately, most of my kids are opposed to having their picture taken. The older boys are in a state or resignation, Judah even smiles, because he tries to be a nice young man. Monica, the most photogenic, is always willing to have her picture taken. Elena is shy when she feels put on the spot. Phinehas has his customary picture-taking scowl (somewhat leavened by the excitement he's was undoubtedly feeling about his first day in 3rd grade). So here are my 9th grader (First Year of Highschool!), 8th grader, 5th grader, 3rd grader and 1st grader! This is the entire high school class at Paideia (9th and 10th) - Judah on the far right. This is Elena when she thought the color by numbers was a ...