A Family Thanksgiving

As a friend told me this fall, "the first time I hosted the entire family for Thanksgiving, I felt like I'd finally become an adult." Well, I've arrived, I guess! We hosted my family for Thanksgiving this year at our house, including my parents, my three siblings and the ten children they brought with them! There were 26 people at dinner! My dad got some lovely pictures. Michael got Mo's clam chowder for dinner on Wednesday night. Judah was forced to make savory shortbreads, which sadly, he didn't even like. But I thought they were great! Ezra was a real favorite with all of the little kids, as usual! Soup and bread for dinner. Mom and my brother, Ben. Aunt Katy supervised the construction of Reeses Pieces table decorations, bless her! Partners in crime... ;-) Ezra, Thane, Hale and Elena Madeline, Monica, Valor and Rinah Success! We really probably didn't need to have an appetizer feast a mere 1-2 hours ...