Time to catch up!
I realize that I haven't blogged for... well... about two months, at least, and it's time for an update. We've been busy, lots going on, blah, blah, blah, but I think I really lost momentum with the whole blogging thing in August, when we got head lice. Eww. It's gone, for sure, now, but for about 4-6 weeks in August and early September, we were persona non grata and it was quite a trial.
During and since that time, Elena turned 1, we had our 12th Anniversary (big plans, sabotaged by the plague of beasties), I went to Tri-Cities with my kids, we spent Labor Day weekend near the head of the Metolius in central Oregon, the boys started soccer season then their new day-school, Ezra turned 8, and we had a visiting Ukrainian pastor stay with us for over a week. So... nothing much going on! :-)
School boys!
Elena’s birthday party:
At our cabin at the Metolius
Ezra’s birthday party:
There. Now we are all caught up!
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