Monthly Post - Happy Holidays!
Looking at my "recent" posts, I discovered that I've been posting approximately once a month. That seems a bit lean to me, so for 2014, I'll try to post at least once a week, just to keep things exciting! ;-)
It will come as a surprise to no one that our last month has been very busy - whose hasn't?!! We had two parties at our house: a community group Christmas party and a birthday party for Judah. In spite of the rampant flu going through our church community, neither party was cancelled due to illness this year! Hooray! In addition to throwing parties, we also attended them: Michael's company work party, and our church's Christmas party. In between parties we also had time to mail out Christmas letters, do Christmas shopping and get the flu. Yep, we were not unscathed by the local plague - we went down like flies, within a 12 hour period, and spent the next day sitting around like zombies and thinking, tentatively, of eating something, someday.
For Christmas we went to my parents' house in Tri-Cities, WA. "I love this place!" said Phinehas. It was a delightful Christmas full of good food and fun. Michael wasn't able to stay the whole time with us, returning early on Thursday for some unavoidable business duties, but the rest of us were there for 4 nights and spent the extra days visiting old friends in the area and hanging out with my sister Katy, brother Sam, and his wife, Valerie, at my parents' place. We left my parents exhausted, with their house in shambles, and with no food in the inn, but they assured us they were delighted that we came. :-)
And the New Year is upon us! We spent New Year's Eve at home: played a board game with the older boys, then watched the New Year's pageantry on the tv until midnight. Yeah, I know, pretty lame - but with little kids, and given that we are usually pretty wiped out by the time Christmas is over, the house is a disaster, etc., it frequently sounds like the best idea. We didn't get invited anywhere anyway, and we would've had to have been way more on top of things to have a party at our house! New Year's Day started with donuts that Michael and Phinehas procured, then we lazed about for a while, until we heard that we might have houseguests that night - when we sprang into action and cleaned and tidied like mad demons - so that by the time our houseguests canceled, the house was in great shape - a very happy state to start the new year in!
So, Happy New Year to all of my readers! Hopefully you'll hear from me more often in it!
(Note: Our camera died shortly before Christmas and the replacement, due to arrive on the 22nd, in fact arrived on the 26th, so all of my pictures from the month of December were blurry, poorly timed, and just generally lousy. Of course, they often were from the regular camera, too... )
(Note: Our camera died shortly before Christmas and the replacement, due to arrive on the 22nd, in fact arrived on the 26th, so all of my pictures from the month of December were blurry, poorly timed, and just generally lousy. Of course, they often were from the regular camera, too... )
Monica and Ezra with Elena in her new duds from Aunt Angela
Phinehas getting brave enough to pet Zorro, Sam's dog.
Opening gifts before we left on vacation.
Candied Orange Peel, a treat from my childhood.
Happy 10th birthday, Judah!!
Merry Christmas, Ezra!
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