Look Who’s Turning Two!
Today Elena turns two! She’s pretty sweet, so I’m pretty sure that the “Terrible Twos” doesn’t yet apply to her.
Recently, she’s really started to grow up into one of “the kids” rather than merely being “the baby.” She loves to play with all of her siblings, but Phinehas especially has become a favorite companion lately. It’s the age old story – she laughs at his jokes, so he dotes on her. They all do, really.
She’s speaking in sentences, though not everybody can understand them! “I donwanna go to bed” is a frequently repeated phrase. “Daddy’s home!” and “Phinny crying!” are other examples. She is enthralled with dogs and babies these days. When we were in Tri-Cities and my brother and sister-in-law brought their 6 month old over she was very insistent that she “Hold the baby!” She didn’t want to stop. She’s also completely fascinated by their dog, Zorro. Alas, the poor child, the first of my children not to be completely terrified of dogs, is also the only one who is allergic to them. Oh well, I guess we “can’t” get a dog now! ;-) Possibly having 5 children is enough for me, anyway.
Here are some pictures of the birthday girl!
And her photo-bombing brother…
And one example of how her older siblings dote on her:
I am happy we got to see her a few days before her birthday! I am so glad she was warming up to me, I didn't expect it! :) I love how Elena is playing with a doll, Kayah has been playing with dolls recently. It's cute how much Elena likes Zorro. :)