By the Sea, By the Sea, By the Beautiful Sea!

Tax season ended promptly on April 15, as it does most years (unless April 15 is on a holiday or weekend). Hooray! To celebrate, we took a day off of school and headed to the beach on Thursday afternoon. We stayed in Seaside, but spent an afternoon in Astoria. An old fashioned arcade in Astoria had a special treat for Doctor Who fans! Judah enjoys roughhousing with his younger siblings! Phinehas rides in a bumper car on "The Boardwalk" in Seaside! Vacation madness caught us and we rented 6-seaters to drive around Seaside. What a blast! Michael said he had to keep telling himself, "It's cheaper than Disneyland.." Elena enjoyed playing in the sand. Phinehas and I built a sand castle! Phinehas tried to help Ella shoot a toy bow and arrow. After attending church in Seaside, we had a picnic lunch in the shelter of a dune by the beach. x Carousel ride in the little Seaside mall. Smile! Phinehas loved...