Easter Lilies for the girls:
I think this might be the first year I’ve done Easter Décor. I love the origami eggs that my mom passed on to me. I remember getting them from relatives in Europe when I was a kid.
Also, we usually dye eggs at Grandma’s house, but this year they had kind of a lot going on, so I had to step up and do it myself. Surprise! It was actually kind of fun!
Monica did hers, then helped the younger kids with theirs! And yes, the apron was too little, too late.
Phinehas had a great time!
Glitter eggs! What will they think of next?
Grandma DID get Easter presents for the kids, as she does every year:
And finally, all decked out for Easter morning church! Lest anyone forget, I made Elena’s Easter dress. For Monica before she was born! It was my first and last ribbon embroidery project. But every time the girls wear it, I’m so glad I actually accomplished it!
Phinehas was really excited about his new spiffy Easter clothes. He gets a lot of hand-me-downs, so something brand new for him was a pleasant change. That doesn’t mean he was going to smile for the picture, though.
Elena in Sunday School on Resurrection Day.
He is Risen!
Which grandma gave gifts? Glad you had a great Easter.