
I decided if I couldn't write a post, at least I'd post pictures from January. These were all from my phone, and it became apparent, as I scrolled through them, that I need to take more pictures of the boys!

At the hotel pool on our impromptu vacation to Seaside on January 1

Waiting for lunch at Mo's in Cannon Beach
I got this sweater for Elena from Target and everyone who sees her says, "Oh, that sweater looks so soft!"

The picture my dad took, framed and gave us for Christmas!

Playing dress up when friend, Addie, came over.

Monica had fun doing her baby sister's hair. What fun to have a live doll?!

On the tire swing with school friends

Reading books with Grandpa Howard at the January family birthday party.

This is me installing a new... er... card of some sort... in our aging treadmill. Works like a charm now and Judah loves to run/walk while watching documentaries about World War II


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