I decided if I couldn't write a post, at least I'd post pictures from January. These were all from my phone, and it became apparent, as I scrolled through them, that I need to take more pictures of the boys!
At the hotel pool on our impromptu vacation to Seaside on January 1 |
Waiting for lunch at Mo's in Cannon Beach |
I got this sweater for Elena from Target and everyone who sees her says, "Oh, that sweater looks so soft!" |
The picture my dad took, framed and gave us for Christmas! |
Playing dress up when friend, Addie, came over. |
Monica had fun doing her baby sister's hair. What fun to have a live doll?! |
On the tire swing with school friends |
Reading books with Grandpa Howard at the January family birthday party. |
This is me installing a new... er... card of some sort... in our aging treadmill. Works like a charm now and Judah loves to run/walk while watching documentaries about World War II |
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