Christmas 2017

While people who have both sets of parents in town have to figure out how to spend each holiday with both sides of the family, we have always had the situation of having my parents 4 hours away. Even though it would be lovely to have my parents and family nearby, I am always a little thankful during the holidays that we are either here in town with Michael's parents, or out of town at mine. So we rotate, in an orderly fashion, Thanksgiving and Christmas every year, and this year we were in Eastern Washington with my parents. One upside of spending Christmas with my parents is that my dad is an amateur photographer with the patience and (tiny) bit of OCD to make all of the fiddly little preparations to take some great pictures! Here are some of his: Fancy Dresser! Sadly, the tie was too small (my bad) Judah loved his hat and his mug. He put it in the cupboard at home, facing out, and says it smiles at you whenever you open the cupboard! We got a White Christmas i...