While people who have both sets of parents in town have to figure out how to spend each holiday with both sides of the family, we have always had the situation of having my parents 4 hours away. Even though it would be lovely to have my parents and family nearby, I am always a little thankful during the holidays that we are either here in town with Michael's parents, or out of town at mine. So we rotate, in an orderly fashion, Thanksgiving and Christmas every year, and this year we were in Eastern Washington with my parents.
One upside of spending Christmas with my parents is that my dad is an amateur photographer with the patience and (tiny) bit of OCD to make all of the fiddly little preparations to take some great pictures! Here are some of his:
Fancy Dresser! Sadly, the tie was too small (my bad) |
Judah loved his hat and his mug. He put it in the cupboard at home, facing out, and says it smiles at you whenever you open the cupboard! |
We got a White Christmas in Eastern Washington! It was even substantial! There's my poor minivan whose front bumper I just crunched last week. :-( |
Great hat, Phinehas! We even brought hats, gloves and snowboots, just in case, and we were in luck! |
She was excited about the snow, too. |
Not our best picture, but proof that we spent Christmas together in good spirits. |
My sister-in-law Valerie, myself, and my sister Katy (left to right) |
Such enthusiasm for pajamas! |
Aunt Katy got this voice-changer for Phinehas off of his Amazon wishlist. Thanks a lot, Katy. ;-) |
Headlamps for all! Now the boys can strap on headlamps when they run outside to bounce on the trampoline in the dark. What could go wrong? |
The much anticipated Hatchimal. It was a joint gift to Monica and Elena from Grandma and Grandpa, but cousin Kayah was delighted to participate in the initial hatching process. High-octane excitement, for sure. |
"What on earth should I get for Michael" - it's a common problem. |
With Elena to play with Kayah and with Monica to adore and care for little Aviana, my brother and sister-in-law could actually sit and visit with the adults! |
Color Analysis - one of my mom's gifts to the world. She did all of my kids, and re-did me, just for kicks. (I'm still a Spring) |
The upshot? Ezra, Monica and Phinehas - all Winters. Elena - Summer. Only Judah shares my Spring-i-ness.
And now for some fuzzy, poorly lit photos from my telephone camera: |
Elena's heart's desire - a huge Elena of Avalor doll. (we opened presents at home on the 22nd, before we left town) |
Monica wanted a spa footbath. Beautification was very much the theme of her Christmas gifts. |
My big boys. |
Doing Advent with the advent calendar my mother-in-law MADE for us! |
Judah's orange dress shirt to go with the tie he got for his birthday. Alas, too small. (a theme for Judah this year) |
Judah made sure to make Peanut Butter Blossoms to take with us to Grandma's house, because he knows she loves them. |
I feel so bad the tie was small for Ezra! :( That's what we got him, I can give you the return options. Nice post! Loved having you guys in town!