January flew by, though there were times when there was snow on the ground and it seemed like it might never end. My kids had five consecutive snow days! Five! I realize that in other parts of the country, even as close as Tri-Cities, Washington, that our brief travail with snow and ice was laughable, but we Portland, Oregon residents just aren't equipped to deal with it. We did buy a snow shovel, that finally came. Too late, of course.
It's a new year and time for fresh paint! Judah and Ezra painted Judah's room together, with a lot of assistance from mom. We're happy with the results, but don't look too closely. |
The three older kids started HOOPS this month. This is Monica's first season, and she enjoys it a lot without really understanding it at all. |
Open house at school with the kids' art on display. |
Taking my last little preschooler to the zoo. She loves the elephants. |
The older boys requested tater-tot-casserole and Phinehas helped make it. It was a blast from the past - I don't think Monica even remembered it. |
Getting ready to watch football! |
See?! Snow! |
And snowmen! |
And snow... angels? |
Ezra was the fun big brother that helped the little ones make a snow man. Unfortunately, someone stole his nose. And pushed him over. But snow men never last long anyway. |
Trampolines can be fun in the snow, too.. |
Phinehas and I have been doing a lot of reading together lately - he finished his first 20 real books and we've ordered him a Bible!
Getting ready to leave the zoo. |
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