Family Camp 2018

Family Camp Photos

These are my photos from my phone: 

Phinehas at Newport, OR

Our camp is a dry campus, but the beach is not!

Phinehas' interest level in the talks..

So sweet.

A family walk on the beach after eating at Mo's in Newport

Preparing for Gaga Ball

These (much better) photos are from my dad. I wanted to put them first, but Blogger overruled me. Ah well. 

 Judah and Elena build sandcastles
It takes a telephoto lens to catch Phinehas smiling!

Monica's Happy Place

Phinehas and Judah playing GaGa Ball

Super flattering action shot of Judah in the 13-16 boys basketball game 

Michael signed us up to lead the children's campfire. Lucky me. 

Ezra playing air-hockey - my old favorite.


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