The Theatre, the Theatre .. the OSF Theatre in Ashland

Our Trip To Ashland, OR in July We've been wanting to take our kids to see some plays in Ashland, OR for several years but this year we finally made the leap! We were scheduled to see Love's Labor's Lost in the outdoor Allen Elizabethan Theatre, Henry V in the Thomas Theater and Othello in the Bowman Theatre, but we only made it to the last two. Sadly, the first one was cancelled due to the wildfire smoke in the area, that was kind of off the charts and unhealthy to breathe - and there's no way to filter it out in an outdoor theater! Still, we had a pretty good time, and the kids enjoyed Henry V, which ended up being the only one they saw. It was a good one, though, and in a theater that is so small that anywhere you sit you are only yards away from the performers. My parents and my sister, Katy, and her significant other, Ryan, joined us for the adventure. A vacation with Michael would not be complete without some sort of hike: this one in the Siskiyou National ...