Tax Season, Projects and Spring!

All but one year of our married life has begun with tax season. That's 16 years, but who's counting?! I can't say I love it, but in fact, in the last 5 years or so, it's been less miserable than in previous years. Largely, this is because my kids are much older. Single-handedly running the house without a co-parent is a lot less difficult once your oldest kids help keep order, everybody is potty trained, and everybody can brush their own teeth (though perhaps, given the latest dental bills, that was a mistake)! Also, as he's gotten older and progressed in his career, Michael doesn't work as many hours during tax season, and the busyness has shifted to the end of the season. He even took the first week of January off this year for our stay-cation! This week has been especially grueling for him, though - he's worked about 65 hours in the first 5 days of the week, and is expecting a similar 13+hour day today, Saturday. Plus, he's been sick in one way or...