All but one year of our married life has begun with tax season. That's 16 years, but who's counting?! I can't say I love it, but in fact, in the last 5 years or so, it's been less miserable than in previous years. Largely, this is because my kids are much older. Single-handedly running the house without a co-parent is a lot less difficult once your oldest kids help keep order, everybody is potty trained, and everybody can brush their own teeth (though perhaps, given the latest dental bills, that was a mistake)! Also, as he's gotten older and progressed in his career, Michael doesn't work as many hours during tax season, and the busyness has shifted to the end of the season. He even took the first week of January off this year for our stay-cation! This week has been especially grueling for him, though - he's worked about 65 hours in the first 5 days of the week, and is expecting a similar 13+hour day today, Saturday. Plus, he's been sick in one way or another since late February. Over and over again, I amazed at how he pushes exhaustion and sickness aside and just keeps plugging away! I know I'd crumple! I always feel guilty if he gets home at 9:30pm and I'm already tucked into bed reading a book or watching a tv show, but I tell myself it won't do our family any good if we're both exhausted and sick, right? Anyway, easier or not, I'm looking forward to the end of tax season 2019!
We here at the house haven't been completely unproductive, though! Judah and Ezra frequently work for their uncle David, cleaning the church on the weekend and last week got the joy of doing yard-work in the rain for a gentleman at church. Builds character, I say. From inside, while drinking tea, I add. They were tired, but felt good about getting stuff done. They also helped Grandpa Mike prep and paint his deck while we were there on Spring Break. Four of the kids are taking piano from their Aunt Angela, and are making good progress. Judah played the prelude at our church last Sunday! Ezra is taking guitar and somehow has ended up with a praise-band of boys from his school playing accompaniment to the hymn of the month at Paideia this month. Life is funny. I've been working on our "outdoor living spaces." I procured some wicker furniture and a patio heater. It's been too cold and wet to make much use of it, but the kids have been surprisingly thrilled!
Phinehas helped me assemble the patio heater I got for the back porch |
Doing school outside is always a hit!
Judah and Ezra helping Grandpa Mike
Monica helping care for cousin Verity |
Elena constructed a house out of paper for her bird that she made in first grade art class |
Ezra and his friends accompanying the hymn
And spring! It's here! While the rest of the country was still buried in snow, our daffodils were sprouting and the crocus were blooming! Last fall I planted bulbs with the help of my friend Joanna, and talk about bang for your buck - they require so little maintenance and come up every year! I was a little over the moon about them this year.
Mini-daffodils - so cute! |
Crocus, big and small! |
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