Well, the world went crazy, the coronavirus brought COVID19 to town and we got an extra week of spring break out of the deal. Sadly, part of the bargain was that we couldn't go anywhere and fraternize with friends and family during that time, so we had a lot of time on our hands at home. In an attempt to keep my kids from playing an exorbitant amount of screen time and watching too much TV, we spent some time that first week accomplishing spring cleaning projects around the house:
Ezra vacuumed and cleaned out the chandelier and in the process decided to turn the dining room table sideways. We decided to go with it! |
Here is Judah, cheerfully beating a rug. |
Excitement! 14 cubic yards of bark dust delivered... |
Mostly onto the road... Michael, Judah, Ezra and Ethan got right out there and moved it! At least off of the road. |
Elena wiping off walls. Monica did her part as well, I just didn't get a photo. |
The joke is: the house has never been cleaner, but we can't have anyone over!
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